Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Cougar's Counterpart

It seems as if I've met my match...

best find of the day.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Geeking Out

I just finished re-reading this book for the third time and for anyone who hasn't read it yet, you really should. It's not all that long and the story and the language used to tell the story are both just ridiculously gorgeous. I know I'm a huge literature nerd, but this book really is fantastic.

Check it:

“Humans are the only animal that blushes, laughs, has religion, wages war, and kisses with lips. So in a way, the more you kiss with lips, the more human you are.”

“If I’d been someone else in a different world I’d've done something different, but I was myself and the world was the world, so I was silent.”

"She wants to know if I love her, that's all anyone wants from anyone else, not love itself but the knowledge that love is there, like new batteries in the flashlight in the emergency kit in the hall closet."

"When I was your age, my grandfather bought me a ruby bracelet. It was too big for me and would slide up and down my arm. It was almost a necklace. He later told me that he had asked the jeweler make that way. Its size was supposed to be a symbol of his love. More rubies, more love. But I could not wear it comfortably. I could not wear it at all. So here is the point of everything I have been trying to say. If I were to give a bracelet to you, now, I would measure your wrist twice."

" ignorance bliss, I don't know, but it's so painful to think, and tell me, what did thinking ever do for me, to what great place did thinking ever bring me? I think and think and think, I've thought myself out of happiness one million times, but never once into it."

How do you not just fall in love with that language?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

I Hate It When Rodents Are Right...

I stupidly dismissed Puxsatawney Phil's predictions and now look what's happened: another freakin' snowstorm. You know it's gotten bad when you hear that the total accumulation will be about 3-5 inches and you think "oh, not too bad!". Sad. After the multiple feet of snow that have been dumped on Boston this winter, 3-5 inches looks like the first sign of spring. Thank God for Texas; I compulsively check Brownsville's weather to lull myself out of the anger and despair that come along with the snowflakes. In case you were wondering, it's currently 57 degrees with a high of 74. Sounds more like it.

Let this be a lesson to you all, never disregard the advice of a woodland creature; apparently, they're smarter than they look.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Knew Those Cowboy Boots Would Come in Handy...

You can call me Christina, Miss V if you're nasty!

Come June, I'll be teaching high school English in the Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Just over the border from Mexico and right on the Gulf Coast....chalupas and hurricanes here I come.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hold Me Closer, Commuter Dancer

Ok, so I often dance in the car on my way to work. Judge away, however, it really is just a good way to start and end the long, sedentary day in the cubicle. Today, I'm acting a little bit like a crack monkey while I wait for a decision from Teach for America (eeeek!). So, as I wait for 8 pm (who picks 8 pm as a notification time?), I have a lot of extra energy to expend. On the commute in, I turned up the Beyonce and rocked out only to be met with a middle finger on the on-ramp. REALLY? Who flips someone off for car-dancing? I know it wasn't particularly skilled or really all that attractive, but a middle finger? Not really an appropriate response to some morning joy. I can be as cynical as the next disgruntled commuter, but c'mon people. Absurd.

PS: When car dancing to the office, one should always stop before driving past boss-man's huge corner office windows to avoid a full morning of ridicule and impersonations. Just a thought.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What a fitting beginning...

Hungover at my desk on a Thursday. Perfect introduction. Since one of my nearest and dearest is going to Australia for the year on a Fulbright fellowship, a bon voyage party (see: too many BudLights) was in order. And, yes, I did remember that I had work this morning. The goal was, really, to drink enough so that I would forget that I even have a job.

Enough about last night (the Gatorade and massive headache are serving as perfect reminders of that) and on to more about me (one of my favorite topics). I'm starting this blog on the recommendation of a friend and because, really, like most bloggers, I think that I'm pretty darn special and others should care about what I have to say. I'm a 20something, college graduate with a desk job I can't stand and a love of throwing theme parties. I live in an apartment in the city with a great roommate and a cat that I adore, although I am constantly in fear of becoming a cat lady. The whole cat no boyfriend combo is a slippery slope. A friend of mine recently told me that as long as the number of cats minus the number of boyfriends doesn't go above one, I'm safe from cat lady status. So, for now I'm all set.

So, as a single, not-yet -a-cat-lady-i-hope, I often eat dinner alone. My roommate does not own a cat and has a boyfriend, so occasionally she has dinner plans. Not too often, but often enough. And, I like to cook...sometimes. But after a long day at the soul-sucking corporate desk job, sometimes I'm just not in the mood. And, since I would be far too embarrassed to publicly buy hot pockets (even though they are delicious, cmon now), dinner often consists of a bag of microwaved popcorn and a mug of Franzia. I find this to be perfectly acceptable--who wants to cook for one? It's a whole lot of time, effort and dish-washing that I can live without.

So, here we are, slugging Gatorade and pretending to do work. I'll make attempts to be good about updating the blog, especially because, let's face it, it's not like I do work while at work. So, that's it for now. Holler at me.